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Web scraping service - get data from any website. I will write a bot for the browser

(อ่าน 417/ ตอบ 0)


I am professionally engaged in automating actions in the browser and in Android applications, web scraping data from any website
I automate Android applications and collect data from them
Web scraping sites: catalogs, phones, companies, products
I will write an automatic bot for the browser and websites

Create online stores with your supplier's content and products.

(I work with sites of any complexity, with copy protection and captcha)

And data processing in CSV, Excel.

I have ten years of experience.
Automatic collection from company websites, phone numbers, emails and product catalogs.
Also extensive experience in publishing content on websites and online stores.

I have created projects to automatically collect and publish content in ZennoPoster, BrowserAutomationStudio.
I am doing web scraping, data cleaning, data collection, data extraction, web page crawling. I am developing web bots.

Skype anato27

Link: คลิ๊กที่นี่

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